CAELESTIS at Technology Talks 2024: The Triple Transition and the Future of Innovation

The AIT Technology Talks 2024 brought together leaders, innovators, and policymakers to discuss the future of technology in driving Europe’s green transition. With a focus on how artificial intelligence (AI) and digitalisation are transforming industries, the event provided key insights into Europe’s ambitious plans, aligning with the Horizon Europe CAELESTIS...

Building the Foundation of a Simulation Ecosystem for Aerospace Manufacturing

An in-depth look at the main objective of Work Package 1 (WP1): to lay the foundations of an advanced simulation ecosystem designed to optimize the manufacturing of composite parts in aeronautics.This package constitutes the starting point of the entire CAELESTIS ecosystem that will allow engineers to efficiently simulate, validate and...

Digital Manufacturing in the CAELESTIS Project with IRT Jules Verne

The Institut De Recherche Technologique (IRT) Jules Verne is leading the CAELESTIS work package on “Digital manufacturing and defects prediction” (WP4) in addition to contributing to a project UQ&M strategy for product and manufacturing.IRT JULES VERNE is an industrial and collaborative research center that focus on manufacturing challenges such as...